Thursday, March 13, 2014

A statue of Alan Turing was unveiled by Bletchley Park in 2007 shortly before what would have been his 95th birthday. A press release was issued, but there was no mention of the fact that Turing was gay.

Bletchley Park's director at the time, Simon Greenish, explained "the press release relates entirely to his invaluable work during the war years and is not in any way an attempt to whitewash his sexuality. This isn’t to say that his sexuality isn’t important in the overall story of the man and that he wasn’t treated abominably in later years. However, with very limited funds and resources, the Park is not able to tell the full life stories of the many heroes and heroines who made such a difference to the outcome of the war."

Shortly afterwards Greenish apologised and acknowledged that it was a missed opportunity. The original press release was then amended to include the relevant information.

Alan Turing was the subject of yesterday's episode of CBBC's Absolute Genius with Dick and Dom. There was no mention of Turing's sexual orientation which, of course, played such an important role throughout much of his teenage and adult life.

Newsround Blog may review CBBC's Alan Turing progamme in more detail at a later date.

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