Wednesday, April 04, 2012

It's Newsround's 40th anniversary. Each day this week the programme is looking at a different decade between the 70's and now. Today it's the turn of the 90's.

Newsround Blog is celebrating the 90's by giving you a chance, courtesy of YouTube, to watch an entire episode from the classic Grange Hill series. This episode was from March 1993 - almost two decades ago.

In those days there was all kinds of prejudice against LGBT people. The age of consent for gay men was 21. And gay people were often discriminated against, or sacked from their jobs. In this episode, Grange Hill kids have recently found out that teacher, Mr Brisley, is gay. We see the attitudes of the other staff and the children at school.

Such overt prejudice is less likely these days. Today, there are laws intended to prevent all that nastiness. But what is really strange is that, whereas twenty years ago the BBC led the fight against prejudice, these days it has actually become part of the problem. Now it's the BBC that treats LGBT people unfairly. Think about it - when was the last time you heard a word like 'lesbian' or 'gay' on a BBC children's TV drama? Why isn't children's TV inclusive these days?

Newsround has carried out a survey into children's attitudes. Wonder if they asked about prejudice? And, if so, will they publish the findings?

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