Thursday, August 24, 2006

I've written about empowerment in a blog on 9 April 2006. But, if empowerment is to be fair and meaningful then it cannot be that some kids are left invisibilized and thus disempowered.

Maybe there is a glimmer of hope for Newsround. International Left-Handers Day, celebrated on 13 August 2006, was reported on the CBBC website. Left-handed people have traditionally been encouraged to write with their right hand, because that's the way most people do it. Now we recognise that it's naturally easier for some to use their left hand to write, and that's ok also.

Press Packer Ashek is left-handed. Ashek tells us about some of the difficulties he faces and why he loves being different. His report presents left-handedness in a positive way - the same way that all diversity issues should be reported. If this inclusiveness continues, then maybe lgbt stories will soon be covered on Newsround. Let's hope so.

On the other hand the daily gossip page on Newsround's website still avoids lgbt stories. Yesterday, for example, they could have reported that Robbie Williams thinks that Louis Walsh fancies him.

Or they could have reported that Duncan James said he was bullied and called 'gay' at school, so he wants to help with an anti-bullying campaign. But as usual they said nothing.

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